Saturday, October 8, 2011

Taunting the Gators: Good Call

If you watched the LSU vs Gators game today, you would have noticed that the Tigers absolutely handled Florida. You may also have noticed the touchdown that came from a fake punt, then called back after LSU's  punter made a taunting gesture before entering the end zone. The call created some disbelief and was both criticized and joked about. Now, a lot of things is going on with football lately which some say is taking away from the game. New rules are always being implemented, changes are being made. Its a physical and emotional game in which many of the players know and understand the risk and the type of competition involved. There are some rules I disagree with and believe is taking away the very fabric of what makes the game great. However, the taunting call today on LSU is not one of the rules. It is a good rule and was a great call.

Shortly after the call, the announcers remarked that many coaches were pushing for and were in favor of the taunting rule. After the call was made, reports also had LSU's coach complimenting the referee on the good call. Despite that, many people still believed the call to be a bit much. Did the Punter really do anything wrong? Was it a little picky? Yeah, but he still did it, and the right call was made.

More and more, you notice Pro players taunting defensive players on their way to the end zone. This is just flat out bad sportsmanship and classless. It isn't needed, just get your ass into the end zone and let the score do the talking. Plain and simple. You spend most of the game getting knocked around. The one time you break away doesn't justify you acting like no one can touch you. And if a player has ever ran out of bounds, took a knee, slid or dove to avoid a hit, then you by no means ever have the right to taunt your way to the end zone, you wuss. Take that hit on, 100% of everytime! And, if your a punter, someone who can draw a flag by simply getting bumped into, you definitely have absolutely no room to taunt anyone because you scored on a trick play. Who are you Mr. Punter guy, to taunt two players that would light you up any day of the week if you weren't protected by 10 other guys and a crap ton of "protecting the kicker" rules. You wanna earn the right to taunt? Kick your punt, run your ass 40 to 50 yards, and lay the ball carrier out. Until then, don't even dream of delivering a taunt.

The rule seems touchy and lame, but is needed to keep players in a reality check, and keep the game great and out of the ridiculous. Old school players new what it was to go out on the field and let their helmets and shoulder pads do the talking, not their mouths. That is the way it should be, that is the way it should stay. Good rule, good call, for those who disagree, get over it. The coach agreed, you have no argument. This is football, leave your cocky at home.  

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