Monday, August 22, 2011

The Movie "PAUL"

First off, I am a fan of the Simon Pegg and Nick Frost duo movies. "Shaun of the Dead" is a classic for most people and "Hot Fuzz" was great. To me, the duo bring good stupid humor into their movies with classy and creative dialog which is both entertaining and funny. Match this with an alien who is given the voice an Seth Rogan, you have a great conversational Trio that keeps your attention while they wittingly fire casual and discreet jokes at one another. To me, this was the highlight of the movie.

The movie itself was not action packed or visually astonishing (minus the alien, GREAT work on the alien and his mannerisms). It was not even "over the top" hilarious. What it was, was a great story, with great character development that was believable and entertaining. This is important because movies that are based around stupid humor always run the risk of being so over the top stupid, it isn't believable which ruins it for me. With that being said, The two supporting Agents in the movie came close to doing just that.

The biggest problem I had with the movie was a pair of agents named Haggard and O'reilly played by Bill Hader and Joe Lo Truglio. I love Bill on Saturday Night Live and was excited about his part in the movie. Unfortunately, his part and his partner suffered from the above mentioned. A character who's stupidity was so over the top that it almost ruined the movie. I will say that Hader's part was not as bad as Truglio. Could the dude try ANY harder to look stupid and be funny. It really did not work. In a movie where dialog and subtle actions made it funny, These two were sorely misplaced and I am grateful their part was minimal. It was almost annoying watching their parts in this movie.

All said and done, I give my own rating of 3 fingers. The three fingers that give you the OK sign. Mainly because of the agent's part in this movie. I definitely recommend it for a watch and I myself could watch it again. Mainly due to Simon, Nick, and Seth Trio.

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